Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reminder / HW and a short video to watch

For most of you, Lab 1 is due tomorrow. It's an informal "lab," so there's no extensive write-up. Answer the questions, including the final "tell me about another interesting calendar, etc." question.

Also, pick your top 3 constellations to learn about. We'll figure out who gets what tomorrow.

Keep looking up!

The above video is an episode of "Star Gazer," a public television program that was on for many years - a few minutes of astronomy at the end of the broadcast day. I used to love this show and really look forward to it. I met Jack a few years ago - super nice guy. (And yes, that's a big ole' rug on his head.)

He closed his show each time with "Keep looking up!" I love that. Jack died a couple of years back. He is missed.

Jack Horkheimer, RIP

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