Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HW for Thursday

Play around a bit with this blackbody radiation applet:


By changing the absolute temperature (in K), you change the output of the star.

More here:


If you are able, have a look into the equation for blackbody radiation.  It's complicated, and is sometimes called Planck's law.  You may be interested in how similar (or not) it is to a Gaussian (normal) distribution (bell curve).

Also, review the idea of the Doppler effect.  Try to find an equation for it (specifically one that has wavelengths in it).  It shouldn't be too complex an expression, but it should be suitable for light (rather than sound).

Finally, review the ideas of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Here's an image below.  Recall that the product of frequency (f) and wavelength (lambda) are always constant:  the speed of light.  Or if you prefer:  c = f l

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