Monday, December 10, 2012

Sean out today

Folks, I'm out today (and tomorrow as well, I expect).  Here's what to work on:

Read the pages on spectral classification:

(Note the mnemonic:  "Oh be a fine girl/guy, kiss me" to remember:  OBAFGKM

If you're up to it, read the wikipedia page:

Next, look into the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

This is an intro.  There is much more to be said about it - do some reading to find out what it represents.  It is a graph of one thing vs. another, on which stars are plotted.  Most reside in a certain area of the graph - the location of a star on the graph gives us information about the type of star and where it is in its life.

Read, make notes, come to class Wednesday prepared to discuss.

For later:

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