Thursday, December 6, 2012

Observing lab - due 12/14/12

Observing lab

Grab some hot chocolate and enjoy the late fall / early winter sky!

1.  List asterisms that you can find.

2.  List constellations you can find.

3.  What are the brightest objects in the sky tonight (other than the Moon, if it is visible)?

4.  What phase is the Moon?  You may need to consult a chart, if it is not visible.

5.  What stars make up the "winter triangle"?  Is it visible?

6.  What stars make up the "winter hexagon"?  Is it visible?

7.  What planets are visible?

8.  Find Orion.  Draw it as you see it.

9.  Answer these questions based on Orion:
a.  What are the 2 brightest stars.  Give names and colors.
b.  List the names of the belt stars.
c.  Following the belt stars (in either direction), find the next bright star(s) and identify them (and their constellations).

10.  What is directly overhead (at zenith), more or less?

11.  Roughly, where is the Andromeda galaxy (M31)?  Can you see it?

12.  Locate the Pleiades cluster, using Orion as a guide.  Describe your technique and draw it, if possible.

13.  Locate Castor and Pollux (in Gemini) using Orion as a guide.  Describe your technique.

14.  Find north and face that direction.  Now locate Cassiopeia (by coming due south) and draw it as you see it.

15.  Can you still see the summer triangle?

16.  Using Cassiopeia as a guide, locate the great square of Pegasus and the Northern Cross (in Cygnus).  Describe your technique.

17.  List anything else interesting you were able to find.

18.  Comment on general viewing conditions in your area.

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